Month: April 2013

  • Immigration-No Amnesty!

    Immigration - Purging the Illegal-Alien

    So, what's the matter with this plan?  

          The following are my suggestions on how to have the illegals voluntarily exit U.S. and go through OUR correct processes. There needs to be a deterrent for crossing the borders illegally.

          I. Secure our borders, it is the job of our President to do this, it is a national security issue.  (We need to stop the hemorrhaging at the borders first)

          II. It thing to do is to deter and cycle the illegal immigrants (of ANY originating country) via putting into affect the following three and four year plans. These plans will seek to encourage all illegal aliens to return to their own country of origin via their own means and schedule.

              A. Government shall require businesses to report illegal aliens workers or be sanctioned with heavy fines when discovered employing same.
                  1.  Make the fines stiff enough that no businesses want to be made the example.

              B. Businesses shall replace their illegal alien workers before a kind three year "grace period" begining from discovery date has expired.
                  1. Illegal aliens returning (to their own country) sooner than three years (2016) will have a priority given to their request to get back into the USA but the legal process must be followed!
                          a.  They would be given a border crossing "coupon" or "permit" prior to leaving giving them a accelerated process.
                  2.  Denying access to medical and other government programs currently being used by illegal aliens will make this happen sooner. (see below)

              C. Businesses must "let go" their illegal alien workers before a three year grace period is up. (Heavy fines/sanctions otherwise "when discovered")
                  1. If the illegal aliens do not return to their country and register within the four years of this program then they will will not be allowed to enter back into the USA.
                          a.  When found and they have not obeyed the process then they along with any minor aged children shall be deported.
                  2. Unlike the three year plan "no priority" will be given to their legal request to get back into USA because they didn't return within the three year requirement.
                      a.  If they delayed exiting for four years or more then the U.S. classifies them as outlaws and are forever registered to be banned from entering this country.

              D. One year after implementation of the law government schools will not be allowed to school any illegal alien's children.

              E. The day this law goes into affect there should be an incentive by the denying of access of all government social welfare programs.
                  1. No free current medical programs without proof of citizenship.
                  2. No welfare hand outs such as food stamps without proof of citizenship.
                  3. No access to any government sponsored social programs without proof of citizenship.
                      a. Charity for the illegal aliens will have to come from private or church sponsored programs.

                                1.) The private charities, i.e. churches, are not prohibited from administering to illegal alien needs.

                     b.  No more free hand outs from the backs of the U.S. working citizens.

          III. All adult (18 years old and up) "illegal" aliens will not have any access to voting rights after requesting to reenter USA.

              A. They have behaved unlawful and sought to deceive our government, and break our laws, i.e. they have "decided to be" law breakers!

              B.  They have left their country of origin which they should strive to make better.

              C.  There are other means without voting by which they may support any favored candidate, if so desired.

              D. This adds another deterrent for immigrants seeking to continue to jump our borders. Anyone caught jumping shall "never" be able to vote or hold public office in the U.S.

              E. Alien children under age of 18 may seek the right to vote after five years of being citizens of USA and are of required U.S voting age.
                  1. This would delay any kind of immediate political pandering to any major influx of immigrants by politicians.
                  2. This helps prevent any political Trojan horses.
                  3. This allows those with future voting rights to be assimilated and become familiar with rights as true U.S. citizens prior to voting.
                  4. This also allows new legal citizen time to monitor the political stage for understanding and prevents pandering from officials prior to voting.
                  5. Allows time for the children to embrace and understand the freedoms of this country and how to protect them.

              E. You are required to speak English prior to becoming a "citizen" of the USA!  :)

              F. There are to be no bilingual government programs to accommodate non-English speaking immigrants.
                  1. No schools will require bilingual programs.
                  2. No voting booths will require non-English ballots.

              G. No IMMIGRANT may become President. (Oh, this is already a law, good. Sorry Arnold, you may not register as a presidential candidate! )

          IV.  NO AMNESTY! 

          V.  No "anchor babies" automatically becoming U.S. citizens.

              A.  Any child of a non-citizen being born within the borders of the United States retains the nationality of the rest of their family.
                  1.  If both parents are non citizens the child is then considered "visiting" also.
                  2.  The child is under the headship of the family and so it follows then whatever nation the family is a citizen of, then their child is a citizen of that same nation.

          Of course the major problem goes back to when we establish the free hand outs.  If we didn't have a socialistic government redistributing the wealth then we wouldn't have to be screening the illegal aliens from receiving them.  Again, chaos breeds more chaos.  The current laws are un-Godly and so is it any wonder why we have these types of  problems now?  Government schools and government charity do not work.  Man's laws contrary to God's established order is chaos.  Man is trying to be "god" by establishing the state powers over the people.  Marriages, charity, schools, medicine, here we go down the road to serfdom.

          Charity and schooling responsibilities belong to the family and church governments.  NOT THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT! 

    Have a Blessed day!

    amnesty alien border Arizona amnesty alien border Arizona La Raza
    La Raza Immigration Immigration Immigration Immigration Immigration